Reiki Energy Healing

Reiki is a form of energy work that can be done in person or over a distance. It is a gentle, non-invasive healing modality that helps to balance energy of the physical and subtle energy fields.

During each session, I invite you to think about what you’re ready to release. This could be pain in your body or a habit that you’re trying to change. Anything that isn’t working for you! I then ask you to think of what you would like to welcome and invite into your body or mind. I act as an amplifier to your intentions. You’re thinking the thoughts and my energy helps turn up the volume! The short meditation below is an introduction to what you’ll experience in a session.

The description that follows offers guidance for distance Reiki sessions. If you’re coming to my office, the comfortable space will be ready and waiting for you.


§  Prepare your space to be comfortable. You can lie on your bed, couch, or the floor. Use a thin pillow to lightly support your head. You may want a blanket to lie under. Soft music that is calming to you can play in the background. Dim or turn off your lights. You may enjoy lighting a candle. To the best you are able, remove distractions, but know that any pets or people who may create noise during the session are merely bringing your attention back to the present moment.

§  We will get on a call (over the phone or virtually) at the beginning of the session for approximately 10-15 minutes. We will discuss what you would like to bring attention and energy to. This can be a physical ailment or metaphysical (mind, emotion, spirit) or both. We will then end the call and you can settle into your space.


§  I will send reiki energy to the areas you requested. I will also do a body scan and use intuitive guidance for any other places that are in need of support.

§  You may feel physical sensations of warmth or tingling and mental sensation of calm. Many report other experiences of seeing colors, images, hearing words or phrases, feeling lightness, or relief of tension.

§  The energy session will last approximately 30-35 minutes.


§  When I have completed the session, I will call you over the phone (I find this is more relaxing than getting back online.) to discuss the experience. I will invite you to share what you felt physically and metaphysically (thoughts, emotions, seemingly random occurrences). I will share my experience and any information I received.

§  I fully invite your questions. There is nothing off limits or too weird. I will offer suggestions or guidance based on what comes through for both of us.

§  This will last approximately 10-15 minutes and will conclude our session.